Saturday, 18 February 2017

Bkind:The story of Vidhi Shah


It’s well said that when a woman decides to bring a change, she definitely does. Vidhi Shah, an entrepreneur and creative director at b:Kind not just brought a change but a cult and wave in style and fashion. b:Kind is a brand which is quite well known for womenswear, got introduced in India through M-square Clothing(India) Pvt. Ltd. The brand focuses on the quality and keeps the range quite reasonable and affordable. It launched in 2010 and Vidhi Shah joined in the later phase. She did face few struggles when she joined the company as she was very new to product development. But she eventually got familiar with the various working areas. The competitive vibe turned out to be good and challenging. She did her FMB course from SP Jain, Mumbai, which was an add on to her skills and helped her in business. She has a great sense of fashion and style with the maturity of handling the business and progressing Vidhi Shah succeeded in breaking the stereotype of a male dominant business. Her parents are her biggest inspiration and they were her main supporters during her highs and lows. She was pretty much sure of getting into the business world right from the beginning and she is happy with her decision.She happily says,”I was inclined towards business since the very beginning.”

The biggest unique selling point is the use of Indigo yarn which is not available in most of the brands. Also, the cost and quality is something that a customer would love! ”Our major focus is the quality,” Vidhi says with the confirmation in her voice. Her dedication and focus is noteworthy. Family business has its plus points and one of them is the level of understanding and that’s purely reflected by b:Kind. Vidhi Shah aims to progress more and more by bringing more to b:Kind and helping the customers and clients. Creativity has its own energy and aura.

She takes each day as an experience and learns something new. Her growth as an entrepreneur is relevant and she thinks each day helps her in this growth.  The innovation and creativity keeps on growing and blooming with great ideas. She loves the fact as to how friendly and comfortable it is to work with the team and the amount of love and support she gets is commendable. She says with an exciting tone, “We work as a happy team.” Her father played a key role in her personal and professional life. “My father is my mentor,” she says. The environment of the workplace does matter a lot and which is quite vibrant and positive around the family and that usually happens in a family managed business. She also finds herself fortunate enough to have supportive in laws. Being an Indian woman and a mother of a 14 months old kid finds a balance between personal and professional life easily. Her advice for Indian women is to set the goals and  pursue their dreams and to have faith and confidence in oneself. Vidhi Shah is truly an inspiration for the youth.


Written by Amrata Joshi in collaboration with Vidhi Shah



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